Robbery Zine
Burnout zine
Added meaning - zine
Iris story - zine
Mary Shelley - mother
Telescopes through the years - layout design
Crafting Hope CIC - logo design
I believe - poster design
Context - Magazine design
Star history - booklet design
DORS#6 - Death futures conference
Risograph book cover design
The Expanse - book covers
Animal shelter posters
Anti Spiral coffee packaging
Social Enterprise Newcastle - identity
Good practice toolkit wip
Kids Kabin - service design
Hedy Lamarr - poster design
Project proposal - comic concept
Exhibition design - Staithes Estate
Little Chickie Spacesuit - children's book concept
Planet data - fuel poverty campaign
Brewery campaign (WIP)
Business Card Design
The Story Chair Toolkit
Plant journal
Coffee packaging design WIP
Anxiety poster - T-shirt design
Holy Mountain - Little White Lies cover design
Speculative design - TOUCH VR
Travelling dildo salesman - book design
Reading and wine - Illustration
Planner design
Card game
Mental health support puppets
Activity book issue #1
Penguin non fiction submission - add title instead
Graphic novel concept
Poetry zine
Alien notebook design